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굿모닝팝스 2017년 2/1(수) 본문

영어야 놀자

굿모닝팝스 2017년 2/1(수)

초원위의양 2017. 7. 7. 21:03
굿모닝팝스 2017년 2/1(수)

<Screen English>

Sully 설리: 허드슨강의 기적

왜 라과디아 공항으로 회항하지 않았나요?
Why didn't you attempted to return to Laguardia?

고도가 충분하지 않았어요
There simply was not enough altitude.

비행기가 안전하게 착륙을 시도할 수 있을만큼 길고 매끄럽고 넓은 장소는 허드슨 강 밖에 없었어요
The Hudson was the only place that was long enough and smooth enough and wide enough to even attempt to land the airplane safely.

The Hudson was the only place.
= There was no other places than the Hudson.
= My only option was the Hudson.

<Pops English>

I love your smile - Shanice

sitting in my class just drifting away
수업시간에 앉아 있는데 마음이 떠나가네요

staring into the windows of the world
다른 세계를 향한 창을 응시하고 있네요

I can't hear the teacher
선생님 말을 들을 수 없어요

his books don't call me at all
교과서도 나를 전혀 부르지 못해요

I don't see the bad boys trying to catch some play
뭔가 주목을 끌려고 하는 짖꿎은 녀석들도 보이지 않네요

<KISS English>

너 몇 살때 외국 여행을 처음 해봤어?
How old were you when you first traveled abroad?
20대 초반이었지
I was in my early twenties.

그녀가 요가를 처음 시작했던 때가 몇 살이었지?
How old was she when she first started yoga?

네가 친구들을 처음 만났을때 그들은 몇 살이었어?
How old were your friends when you first met them?

개를 처음으로 데려왔을 때 몇 살이었어?
How old was your dog when you first brought it home?
갓 태어났었지
It was a newborn.

아이들이 처음 학교에 갔을 때 몇 살이었죠?
How old were your kids when they first went school?

링컨이 처음 공직에 출마했을 때 몇 살이었죠?
How old was Lincoln when he first ran for a office?

부모님께서 처음 사랑에 빠졌을 때 몇 살이었지?
How old were your parents when they first fell in love?

메리가 처음으로 일을 시작했을 때 몇 살이었지?
How old was Marry when she first began working?
거의 25였어

She was nearly 25.